The NZTBA is pleased to report that we were successful in the submission we made to the Waikato District Council in respect to the proposed bylaw “A minimum of 2 hectares of grazeable land per horse is required for the keeping of horses in urban areas, excluding Country Living Zones”. The bylaw has been successfully amended and the requirements revised.
The NZTBA expressed concerns surrounding the definition of zones and its impact on members. We asked that we were consulted on these areas to gain a better understanding. The panel were very receptive to our presentation and it was a very worthwhile exercise appearing at the hearing together with Wendy Cooper from the NZ Trainers Association.
Following hearings and deliberations, Council agreed to the following changes to the proposed bylaw:
- Removal of proposed requirement to limit the number of livestock to 1 animal in urban areas
- Revised requirements for the keeping of horses
- New clause regulating people who encourage nuisance from feral or stray animals, including cats
- New requirements for the keeping of bees, including the number of hives allowed for different sized premises
- Other minor amendments for readability
The Council adopted the amended Keeping of Animal’s Bylaw on 17 May 2021. Please find the amended bylaw here
Ammended bylaw: 9.0 Horses – special requirements
9.1 A person shall not keep any horse on premises smaller than 1200 square metres in an urban area except where the horses are kept:
(a) By a registered breeder or trainer; or
(b) In a stable or other building premises constructed specifically for the keeping of horses.
9.2 Where any horse defecates on any public place, footpath, road or reserve in such a way that it
may cause a nuisance to other users, the person who has custody of that horse shall remove
and dispose of such defecations immediately and in a way that does not cause a nuisance or