Ensuring that both employers and employees are treated fairly is crucial when it comes to hiring and managing staff in New Zealand. This can be a complicated area, and this page provides guidance and resources to assist employers and employees.

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Once signed up you have access to:
An information line providing free legal information by calling 0800 327 646
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The Federated Farmers Employer Handbook is a comprehensive guide to all things employment.
As well as taking you through a step-by-step process of correct employment procedures, this handbook gives you access to free templates on issues such as 90 day trials, tenancy, disciplinary and restructuring matters.

Farm business operations demand sound legal, fit for purpose contracts and agreements.
Federated Farmers has developed industry leading documents with the help of experienced farming leaders, real farmers, farm consultants, mediators and legal advisors. Their expert panels and thousands of farmers use their range of proven business agreements every year.
Members gain the benefit of our industry leading agreements at an average 80% discount and the use of the free 0800 FARMING advice line for that extra security to back you up when you need it.

Here from specialist employment lawyers Norris & McKinnon as they cover a range of different legal topics.
If you require more information on this topic and are a NZTBA and Federated Farmers member, you can call 0800 327 646 and speak to one of our legal experts. This is a member only service.
There are also a number of other resources available concerning employment and legal. Click here to view these resources.
Below, we have gathered some helpful links and documents so you can have these at your fingertips:

This tool guides you through the steps to create a variety of policies tailored to your workplace. A policy can be as short or as detailed as suits you. You can save a draft policy part way through and come back to it at any time. Once you're happy with it, you can email the finished policy to yourself.

Employing staff can be a big decision but it can also be the best move you ever make. This calculator will help give you the confidence to take that important next step. It will provide a ballpark figure of what hiring a new employee might cost

This publication is designed to assist employers as they complete the Employment Standards Self-assessment Checklist (Checklist). It includes information on employment standards from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and other government agencies.

This guide focuses on employment relations, and the key issues in these other areas, it should help you avoid some common problems. If you don’t follow this guide, it doesn’t mean you are automatically in breach of the relevant legislation. However, you must follow legislation and government policy in areas such as: employment, immigration, health and safety, human rights, disclosure and privacy during hiring.

If you have anyone working for you, it's your responsibility to deduct tax and other amounts from payments you make to them, as well as giving information to Inland Revenue. This guide explains what you're required to do and what happens if you don't comply.

Employees are covered by an employment agreement and work for financial reward such as wages, salary, commission, or piece rates. Employers must pay employees correctly for their work. This includes meeting minimum wage requirements for all employees over 16 years of age.