Thoroughbred Bonus Scheme (TBS) prizemoney has been won right across the country during the past week.
Three-year-old filly Irlanda was most impressive winning her second race, and second TBS bonus in two starts, at Feilding on 4 November. In doing so, she added $5475 to the excellent base prizemoney of $18,750. Her sire O'Reilly comfortably leads the list of New Zealand sires by number of winners and wins this season, with twenty-one winners of 28 races, including two new stakeswinners, two-year-old Alamosa and four-year-old Ballymore Lass, winner of Saturday's CJC Canterbury Breeders' S. LR.
Irlanda's part-owner Rob Burnet, who races the filly in partnership with his father Alan, and Alan & Colleen Jackson, says, "While we have been delighted with Irlanda's two wins, we most certainly targeted those specific races because of their TBS bonuses. It is also particularly pleasing that our trainer Lance Noble receives a percentage of the bonus.
"The two winning stakes, combined with the bonuses, have basically paid for Irlanda's training for 2006-07, and this is a most welcome reflection of the work undertaken by the New Zealand Racing Board to put New Zealand racing back onto a sound base for owners, and eventually breeders."
Four-year-old mare Kapai also won a B bonus at Wingatui, and three-year-old Titan Prince followed suit at his third win from four starts, on Saturday at Riccarton Park.
In all, five TBS-qualified horses won $18,450 in bonus prizemoney last week:
Saturday 4 November
Race 5 B Bonus
1st Irlanda (3f O'Reilly-Cenphic) $5475
Tuesday 7 November
Race 9 B Bonus
3rd Dangerous Goods (3g Danasinga – Two Time Tart) $675
5 B Bonus
1st Kapai (4m Danske – Free As a Bird) $5475
Saturday 11 November
Race 3 B Bonus
1st Titan Prince (3g Volksraad – Titania) $54753rd Baci (3f Bertolini – Calm Conqueror) $675
Three-year-old filly Irlanda was most impressive winning her second race, and second TBS bonus in two starts, at Feilding on 4 November. In doing so, she added $5475 to the excellent base prizemoney of $18,750. Her sire O'Reilly comfortably leads the list of New Zealand sires by number of winners and wins this season, with twenty-one winners of 28 races, including two new stakeswinners, two-year-old Alamosa and four-year-old Ballymore Lass, winner of Saturday's CJC Canterbury Breeders' S. LR.
Irlanda's part-owner Rob Burnet, who races the filly in partnership with his father Alan, and Alan & Colleen Jackson, says, "While we have been delighted with Irlanda's two wins, we most certainly targeted those specific races because of their TBS bonuses. It is also particularly pleasing that our trainer Lance Noble receives a percentage of the bonus.
"The two winning stakes, combined with the bonuses, have basically paid for Irlanda's training for 2006-07, and this is a most welcome reflection of the work undertaken by the New Zealand Racing Board to put New Zealand racing back onto a sound base for owners, and eventually breeders."
Four-year-old mare Kapai also won a B bonus at Wingatui, and three-year-old Titan Prince followed suit at his third win from four starts, on Saturday at Riccarton Park.
In all, five TBS-qualified horses won $18,450 in bonus prizemoney last week:
Saturday 4 November
Race 5 B Bonus
1st Irlanda (3f O'Reilly-Cenphic) $5475
Tuesday 7 November
Race 9 B Bonus
3rd Dangerous Goods (3g Danasinga – Two Time Tart) $675
5 B Bonus
1st Kapai (4m Danske – Free As a Bird) $5475
Saturday 11 November
Race 3 B Bonus
1st Titan Prince (3g Volksraad – Titania) $54753rd Baci (3f Bertolini – Calm Conqueror) $675